A good answer might be:


Type Wrappers

primitive typeWrapper type
byte Byte
short Short
int Int
long Long
float Float
double Double
char Character
boolean Boolean

Remember that there is that big split between the primitive data types, and the objects that make up all the rest of the data in a Java program. The split sometimes needs to be crossed. For each primitive type, there is a corresponding wrapper class. A wrapper class can be used to convert a primitive data value into an object, and some type of objects into primitive data. The table shows primitive types and their wrapper classes:

In Java, case matters, so "byte" and "Byte" are different things.

As an example, the value 103 could be held in 16 bit section of memory that is of primitive data type long. The same value could be held in an object that is of type Long. The object will use many more than 16 bits.

Don't worry if this all seems somewhat pointless to you right now. More will be said about wrapper classes later on when you need to use them.


You have already seen the class String in the example programs of the previous few chapters. Is String a wrapper class?